Matthew Nickerson
Blog Homework (1/31)
LIBR 1101
I believe
that my topic will concern “the benefits of a healthy diet”. I enjoy letting people
know the importance of their diets. As knowledge is more available due to the
internet it still seems that people still do not eat properly and barely read
labels. Some of the keywords that popped up where “medical care”,”prevention”, “health
and hygiene”, and “Law and legislation” came up in my search topics. A primary
source I could use for this topic would include a journal article reporting “New”
research or finds as well as diary’s or primary journals from doctors as well
as holistic experts.
for this topic should be relatively easy as health and healthcare is currently
a very hot topic. The universal healthcare bill that is being brought up in
congress relates to diets and health directly. Preventative care is the best
care to help you physically and financially in the future. Healthy minds and
bodies birth healthy activities.