Monday, February 25, 2013

Blog Homework 2/26

Matthew Nickerson
LIBR 1101
Blog Homework (2.26.13)

In this article, the argument is that many people are not getting enough excercise in their daily working lifestyle. This is a truth that can be seen in the American society as obesity is becoming a huge problem. It is an argument because although their is evidence, the author is using opinions and facts to explain the seven deadly ways sitting can kill you. One of the biggest indicators emotions and word relationships can be seen to relate to audiences are the ease of relating to the topic. Some of these things are word usage and phrase usage that relates the topics to a persons everyday lifestyle and habits.

The article really does not have any logical fallacies. It is very clear and concise about the topic at hand with some pictures and statistics that relate the topics more to a global numbers. The article was very informative to me and the title also pulled me into viewing it off of a friends page. Health is my interest and statistics interest me so i was prone to click on a link with a catchy title.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Blog Homework 2.14.13

Matthew Nickerson
Blog Homework 2.14.13

I believe that I have just narrowed my search topic down a little bit more narrow and better for anybody to understand. I believe that my final topic is going to be “The health benefits of a vegetarian lifestyle”. I was going to do it on specific diets in accordance to regional areas such as the southeast United States and Asia and compare each other. Each class period I am finding more helpful resources and databases that can help me with my search routines. Due to the fact that my topic deals with health, it is pretty relevant in today’s society.

  “Foods for health”
Call Number: HE20.3202:F73/3  PubDate:1985
Located: Government Documents Compact Shelving (Main Floor)

This is one of the of the books I found in the west Georgia library that I could potentially use for research and incorporate into my project as well.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blog Homework (2/12)

Matthew Nickerson
Blog Homework (2/12)

                I believe the difference between my past research and this research is the heavy use of databases. In the past, book sources and other encyclopedias were used in reference to English papers and the citations I needed for ENG 1101 and ENG 1102. It was easy to find a book in the library and reference what was seen in the book from the topic at hand. Databases make it that much easier to find resources and references in the subjects and categories and receive multiple sources for the same topic. Since my topic is on “health foods”, rather than getting one source from a book; I have many databases under “health/medicine” or “nutrition” that can show me thousands of results. Books are shown as well as professional journals and scholastic resources such as those articles published in universities and institutions.
                I would not say that I am having difficulty, although some of the maneuvering around databases can be hectic and time consuming; if not done right. One thing I would have also liked talking about was “sources and citations”, but I am sure that is to come in the near future of this class. Everything seems to be going well for my research project and I happen to be getting many results with my topic. Pleased with everything thus far.  Interested to see what is to come in the next classes

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

2/7 Blog Assignment

Matthew Nickerson
2/7 Blog Assignment

                Currently, I am not engaged in a class that would require extraneous use of the “Special Collections” department of the universities library. These items would be useful in a study in an English class as “social” and “cultural” perspective is important in understanding the historical value. The context of climate and environment can allow a student to analyze the importance of dated material. Items in the collections can be dated and this means that proper care of the material is highly necessary. Preserving these items could be essential to students in distinguished degree fields in the university.
                Philosophy majors interested in a track of pre-law could benefit from this collection. Understanding material such as law and the history behind it could lead you back a few hundred years as law has progressed and developed into what it is. Having resources such as historical footnotes describe serious cases such as “Plessey V. Ferguson” that have impacted human life as we know it and needs to be preserved so that future law students have knowledge of past cases in realistic details. I could see some of business classes having us use resources such as the special collections to bring quality to our research such as the marketing of past products. Knowledge of the past is an essential part of academic study as our past has shaped our future in many ways giving us insight into struggles and triumphs throughout societies.